Sunday, November 1, 2009

Scarily Crazy

You wouldn’t think that Halloween would be a big deal in a country that doesn’t exactly celebrate it, but today I am telling you that my school goes absolutely crazy about Halloween, scarily crazy. I had no idea that the American School would so wholeheartedly adopt this crazy American celebration, after all the American population of the school is only about 5%. When the hallways outside the elementary classrooms began to get decorated with smiling spiders, ghosts galore and witches, I began to wonder. When some of the elementary teachers shared that there was actually an informal competition between the class moms for the hallway decorations I suspected that it would get a bit over the top in that area. And sure enough for the last two weeks you’ve had to dodge hanging decorations to get to the classrooms in that part of the school. Then about a week ago decorations stated going up around the school. One day the courtyard area had streamers, ghosts and pumpkins. The next day there was a giant wooden “Happy Halloween” sign above the guard house. The following I saw giant ghosts peeking out from behind trees and hanging upside down out of the branches. After that came a blow up Frankenstein to greet visitors to campus and scary mask/wraiths along the sidewalk. It got to the point where I wasn’t even sure I wanted to see what else would go up. And I didn’t even see the school when it got to its most decorated as I didn’t return for the Halloween party on Friday evening. While I’m pleased to have actually had something that felt a bit like Halloween I have to question the over the top way in which it was done. A few of the cleaning and maintenance staff tried to ask teachers what the point was, why they went so crazy for the holiday, and frankly none of us could come up with an answer beyond “because they can.” Looking at it through their eyes we could see how difficult it could be to watch the celebration when you know there are so many other things that the money could go to. Is it worth it? I really can’t say. All I can say for sure is that ASA goes scarily crazy over Halloween.

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