Saturday, November 21, 2009

A shopping ???

I’m not quite sure what to call it. It is not exactly a shopping basket, nor is it really a shopping trolley (cart). Although at times it functions as either one. I think perhaps I should call it a shopping…trasket. You’re probably thinking, what are you talking about? I have to tell you that the shopping trasket is one of the more clever things I’ve seen here in Paraguay. It is perfect for when you are just running in to pick up some groceries and end up with a few more than are comfortable to carry over your arm, yet fewer than you really want to deal with a trolley for. It is basically a shopping basket on wheels. Often there are two handles – one which lets you carry it over your arm as you would with a normal basket, and a longer flip up one which allows you to pull the trasket along behind you on its wheels. One of my friends raves about them for the simple reason that they work for a person of any height. Are you shorter? That just means that your trasket will be a bit farther behind you. Are you taller than the average Paraguayan? No worries, the handle will still be long enough for you to hold comfortably. I’m telling you, this is a gadget (can you can it a gadget?) that I’d love to see adopted in other places. In addition to its versatility in handles you also have to appreciate a smaller wheeled container which doesn’t clog up narrow aisles and makes it quite simple to pass the shopper who is stopped studying the racks. You can stick with your shopping cart or basket if you want, me, I’m going to grab a shopping trasket as I go into the store.


  1. Shaw's in Massachusetts actually has those now too! They amuse me :)

  2. We have them sice quite a long time in Belgium also :op True they are the most convenient ones!
